Showing 1–24 of 27 results

A Guide To Potty Training


Covering everything that parents or carers of young children will need to know about toilet training, this book includes step-by-step instructions on all aspects of potty training

Am I Normal Yet?


All Evie wants is to be normal. And now that she's almost off her meds and at a new college where no one knows her as the-girl-who-went-nuts, there's only one thing left to tick off her list...But relationships can mess with anyone's head - something Evie's new friends Amber and Lottie know only too well. The trouble is, if Evie won't tell them her secrets, how can they stop her making a huge mistake?

Baby and Toddler Health Guide


Children learn more in their first two years than at any other time in their lives, so anyone caring for them has a vital role to play in helping them. This easy-to-use guide is filled with activities and play ideas for every stage of a child's development up to the age of 2 1/2.

Comprendre le cerveau de son enfant


Comprendre le cerveau de son enfant.

Ce titre, d'apparence anodine, rapproche deux mots qui semblent ne pas appartenir au même monde. D'un côté, l'unicité d'un enfant ; de l'autre, le cerveau qui contient des milliards de neurones. Tous les enfants apprendront, différemment, à des vitesses variées. Mais la vitesse de traitement de l'information et la variété de son traitement ne déterminent aucunement l'intelligence.
Il n'y a pas de norme d'apprentissage, ni de norme d'intelligence. Les enfants ont un avenir imprévisible mais pour évoluer, ils doivent être assurés que leur entourage croit en leur évolution de manière inconditionnelle.

Ce livre a pour ambition d'aider les parents à modifier leurs représentations concernant le développement de l'enfant. A l'aide d'explications claires et didactiques, Pascale Toscani adopte au fil de cet ouvrage une double approche complémentaire ; celles de la psychologie et des neurosciences.

Il a pour vocation :

  • d'éclairer le lecteur sur le fonctionnement du cerveau de l'enfant ;
  • de faire un sort aux fausses croyances concernant le fonctionnement du cerveau, les neuromythes ;
  • d'expliquer les grands mécanismes des fonctions cognitives, fonctions qui permettent aux enfants d'entrer en contact avec le monde (la mémoire, l'attention, le langage, la motivation, les émotions...) ;
  • de donner des conseils d'hygiène de vie pour favoriser les apprentissages et le bien-être des petits et des grands : le sommeil, le sport, l'alimentation, tous les paramètres qui favorisent leur développement.

L'enfant a un avenir imprévisible, rien ne peut jamais se prédire. Aidons-le à s'épanouir à son rythme !

Cuisine Actuelle du Liban – Plus de 60 recettes faciles à réaliser


Le Liban, dans sa grande diversité, offre aux palais amateurs de bonne chère des plats savoureux et délicats qui, contrairement aux idées reçues, peuvent être simples à réaliser dès lors que l'on dispose des connaissances et du savoir-faire indispensables. A travers un large choix de recettes, composé entre autres de grands classiques (hoummos, caviar d'aubergines, taboulé, falafel, kibbé...), l'auteur de cet ouvrage nous accompagne pas à pas pour réaliser le meilleur de la cuisine libanaise. Présentation des aliments spécifiques à la préparation des plats et à la composition des fameux mezzés (labné, cornes grecques, tahina, pistaches...), trucs et astuces, recettes étape par étape... Dans ce beau livre riche en photos, la cuisine libanaise se met enfin à la portée de tous ! Et pour qu'au plaisir de la bouche se joignent ceux de l'esprit et de la vue, des proverbes, des textes et des photos viennent agrémenter çà et là les recettes.

Intex Economats – Assorted Color, 1 piece


Enjoy relaxing on the water all summer long with an Intex Economat pool float. Relax your head on the built-in pillow while you float in the pool. Available in three fun new colors: Blue, yellow, and pink.

It Only Happens in the Movies


The greatest love story ever told doesn't feature kissing in the snow or racing to airports. It features pain and confusion and hope and wonder and a ban on cheesy cliches. Oh, and zombies...YA star Holly Bourne tackles real love in this hugely funny and poignant novel.

J’attends un enfant


Vous attendez un enfant. Vous vous posez 1001 questions ? Le livre de Laurence Pernoud répond à toutes vos interrogations, vous rassure et vous donne confiance.

Les 60 jours les plus importants de votre grossesse


"Je m'adresse ici à la mère qui commence une grossesse et lui dis avec solennité : "Ce que vous mangez, l'enfant que vous portez le mange aussi". Or, en deux générations, l'alimentation industrielle a transformé nos habitudes et mis en danger notre santé. Nous absorbons désormais une trop grande quantité de sucres transformés. Ces aliments ont le défaut d'élever fortement la glycémie dans le sang.
Notre organisme n'y est pas adapté. Les 4e et 5e mois de la grossesse sont cruciaux, car les cellules du pancréas de votre bébé se mettent à sécréter de l'insuline. Durant cette période, elles ne doivent pas être confrontées aux sucres invasifs. Si vous en consommez, vous risquez de créer chez votre enfant une prédisposition au surpoids et au diabète. Dans ce livre, mois par mois, je vous guide pour que vous évitiez les aliments qui pourraient venir lui gâcher la vie.
Une méthode simple, facile à suivre, qui conjugue alimentation et amour maternel".

Maped Picnik – Concept Adult Leakproof Lunch Plate – Brick Red

Modern and fun, The Maped Picnik concept adult lunch plate is an innovative and new way to bring lunch to the office! Instead of bringing multiple individual meal containers, The lunch plate features one large compartment that lets you pack a full meal and Eat it as you would at home at the dinner table. A integrated steam vent lets you easily microwave The contents within the plate itself, The silicone seal built into the removable lid works perfectly for soups, pastas, salads and more! And because we know that cleanliness is a major concern we've designed every picnic Product with that mind. All interior plastic surfaces are coated with an innovative stain-resistant finish to avoid discoloration from dark foods like tomatoes, grapes and peppers. Rounded, shallow corners make wiping away food or dirt A snap too, and for a deeper clean just place the lunch plate into the dishwasher.

Maped Picnik – Concept Adult Leakproof Lunch Plate – Eucalyptus Green

Modern and fun, The Maped Picnik concept adult lunch plate is an innovative and new way to bring lunch to the office! Instead of bringing multiple individual meal containers, The lunch plate features one large compartment that lets you pack a full meal and Eat it as you would at home at the dinner table. A integrated steam vent lets you easily microwave The contents within the plate itself, The silicone seal built into the removable lid works perfectly for soups, pastas, salads and more! And because we know that cleanliness is a major concern we've designed every picnic Product with that mind. All interior plastic surfaces are coated with an innovative stain-resistant finish to avoid discoloration from dark foods like tomatoes, grapes and peppers. Rounded, shallow corners make wiping away food or dirt A snap too, and for a deeper clean just place the lunch plate into the dishwasher.

Maped Picnik – Concept Adult Leakproof Lunch Plate – Storm Blue

Modern and fun, The Maped Picnik concept adult lunch plate is an innovative and new way to bring lunch to the office! Instead of bringing multiple individual meal containers, The lunch plate features one large compartment that lets you pack a full meal and Eat it as you would at home at the dinner table. A integrated steam vent lets you easily microwave The contents within the plate itself, The silicone seal built into the removable lid works perfectly for soups, pastas, salads and more! And because we know that cleanliness is a major concern we've designed every picnic Product with that mind. All interior plastic surfaces are coated with an innovative stain-resistant finish to avoid discoloration from dark foods like tomatoes, grapes and peppers. Rounded, shallow corners make wiping away food or dirt A snap too, and for a deeper clean just place the lunch plate into the dishwasher.

Maped Picnik – Concept Adult Leakproof Lunch Plate – Tender Rose

Modern and fun, The Maped Picnik concept adult lunch plate is an innovative and new way to bring lunch to the office! Instead of bringing multiple individual meal containers, The lunch plate features one large compartment that lets you pack a full meal and Eat it as you would at home at the dinner table. A integrated steam vent lets you easily microwave The contents within the plate itself, The silicone seal built into the removable lid works perfectly for soups, pastas, salads and more! And because we know that cleanliness is a major concern we've designed every picnic Product with that mind. All interior plastic surfaces are coated with an innovative stain-resistant finish to avoid discoloration from dark foods like tomatoes, grapes and peppers. Rounded, shallow corners make wiping away food or dirt A snap too, and for a deeper clean just place the lunch plate into the dishwasher.

Maped Picnik – Concept Adult Lunch Bag – Brick Red

Modern and innovative, the Maped Picnik concept adult easy-clean lunch bag is the perfect way to bring your lunch with you wherever you go! Made with durable, insulated fabric to keep food hot or cold this lunch bag comes with a matching place Mat so you can keep your desk or work area clean! And carrying this bag is a snap thanks to the removable shoulder strap and carry handle. Specifically developed for the picnic concept adult range this bag fits a plate, water bottle & silverware set with room for additional snacks! We know that cleanliness is a major concern to a parent as well, And we've designed every picnic Product with that mind. All interior fabric surfaces are designed to be easily wiped down with a rag or sponge, and the exterior fabric resists scrapes and scuffs! And thanks to the unique design that opens 180 degrees, The entire bag is super easy clean!

Maped Picnik – Concept Adult Lunch Bag – Eucalyptus Green

Modern and innovative, the Maped Picnik concept adult easy-clean lunch bag is the perfect way to bring your lunch with you wherever you go! Made with durable, insulated fabric to keep food hot or cold this lunch bag comes with a matching place Mat so you can keep your desk or work area clean! And carrying this bag is a snap thanks to the removable shoulder strap and carry handle. Specifically developed for the picnic concept adult range this bag fits a plate, water bottle & silverware set with room for additional snacks! We know that cleanliness is a major concern to a parent as well, And we've designed every picnic Product with that mind. All interior fabric surfaces are designed to be easily wiped down with a rag or sponge, and the exterior fabric resists scrapes and scuffs! And thanks to the unique design that opens 180 degrees, The entire bag is super easy clean!

Maped Picnik – Concept Adult Lunch Bag – Storm Blue

Modern and innovative, the Maped Picnik concept adult easy-clean lunch bag is the perfect way to bring your lunch with you wherever you go! Made with durable, insulated fabric to keep food hot or cold this lunch bag comes with a matching place Mat so you can keep your desk or work area clean! And carrying this bag is a snap thanks to the removable shoulder strap and carry handle. Specifically developed for the picnic concept adult range this bag fits a plate, water bottle & silverware set with room for additional snacks! We know that cleanliness is a major concern to a parent as well, And we've designed every picnic Product with that mind. All interior fabric surfaces are designed to be easily wiped down with a rag or sponge, and the exterior fabric resists scrapes and scuffs! And thanks to the unique design that opens 180 degrees, The entire bag is super easy clean!

Maped Picnik – Concept Adult Lunch Bag – Tender Rose

Modern and innovative, the Maped Picnik concept adult easy-clean lunch bag is the perfect way to bring your lunch with you wherever you go! Made with durable, insulated fabric to keep food hot or cold this lunch bag comes with a matching place Mat so you can keep your desk or work area clean! And carrying this bag is a snap thanks to the removable shoulder strap and carry handle. Specifically developed for the picnic concept adult range this bag fits a plate, water bottle & silverware set with room for additional snacks! We know that cleanliness is a major concern to a parent as well, And we've designed every picnic Product with that mind. All interior fabric surfaces are designed to be easily wiped down with a rag or sponge, and the exterior fabric resists scrapes and scuffs! And thanks to the unique design that opens 180 degrees, The entire bag is super easy clean!

Maped Picnik – Concept Adult Water Bottle 500ml – Brick Red

Modern and fun, The Maped Picnik concept adult spillproof 16. 9oz water bottle is the perfect way to make sure whatever drink you pack gets there safe! The unique design was specifically developed for adult use at the office or on the go, Featuring a 100% leak-proof design and a removable cap that doubles as a cup. Tritan plastic construction is perfect for warm or cold drinks - drink tea, water, and more! And we at Maped know that cleanliness is a major concern, and we've designed every picnic Product with that mind. Not only is the mouthpiece easy to disassemble for a thorough clean, but the entire bottle is totally dishwasher safe!

Maped Picnik – Concept Adult Water Bottle 500ml – Eucalyptus Green

Modern and fun, The Maped Picnik concept adult spillproof 16. 9oz water bottle is the perfect way to make sure whatever drink you pack gets there safe! The unique design was specifically developed for adult use at the office or on the go, Featuring a 100% leak-proof design and a removable cap that doubles as a cup. Tritan plastic construction is perfect for warm or cold drinks - drink tea, water, and more! And we at Maped know that cleanliness is a major concern, and we've designed every picnic Product with that mind. Not only is the mouthpiece easy to disassemble for a thorough clean, but the entire bottle is totally dishwasher safe!

Maped Picnik – Concept Adult Water Bottle 500ml – Storm Blue

Modern and fun, The Maped Picnik concept adult spillproof 16. 9oz water bottle is the perfect way to make sure whatever drink you pack gets there safe! The unique design was specifically developed for adult use at the office or on the go, Featuring a 100% leak-proof design and a removable cap that doubles as a cup. Tritan plastic construction is perfect for warm or cold drinks - drink tea, water, and more! And we at Maped know that cleanliness is a major concern, and we've designed every picnic Product with that mind. Not only is the mouthpiece easy to disassemble for a thorough clean, but the entire bottle is totally dishwasher safe!

Maped Picnik – Concept Adult Water Bottle 500ml – Tender Rose

Modern and fun, The Maped Picnik concept adult spillproof 16. 9oz water bottle is the perfect way to make sure whatever drink you pack gets there safe! The unique design was specifically developed for adult use at the office or on the go, Featuring a 100% leak-proof design and a removable cap that doubles as a cup. Tritan plastic construction is perfect for warm or cold drinks - drink tea, water, and more! And we at Maped know that cleanliness is a major concern, and we've designed every picnic Product with that mind. Not only is the mouthpiece easy to disassemble for a thorough clean, but the entire bottle is totally dishwasher safe!

Petits tracas et gros soucis de 1 à 7 ans

Vivre avec un petit enfant est un grand bonheur souvent semé de petits tracas, et parfois de plus gros soucis. Par peur d'en faire trop ou pas assez, les parents ne savent pas toujours comment réagir. À travers plus de cent grandes questions traitant de tous les aspects de la vie quotidienne...