Showing 1–9 of 15 results

50 Things To Do With Your Baby: 12 Months + (Activity Cards)


A pack of cards with ideas and activities for parents and carers to do with very young children to aid their development. It contains 50 simple activities, games, rhymes and songs designed to encourage development and learning through play.

Apprendre à compter

Avec ce charmant livre, votre enfant apprendra beaucoup de mots nouveaux tout en s'amusant. Sur chaque page, votre bambin trouvera une question amusante. Il pourra découvrir la réponse derrière le rabat. Maxi coucou garantit des heures de plaisir à votre tout-petit!

Chicco Baby Rodeo & Miss Rodeo

The toy comes to life: thanks to its sensors, Baby Rodeo moves its eyes and neighs with joy when it is stroked or fed with a carrot
New design 3 functions in 1

Chicco Dental Set

This adorable dental care set by Chicco will make your child love to brush his teeth. The rounded and narrow head of the toothbrush fits perfectly into the small mouth of your little one. At the same time, the soft bristles protect the sensitive gums and clean the teeth in a gentle way. The ergonomically shaped handle can be held securely in your child’s small hand. The toothbrush and the toothpaste which is also included in the set is suitable for children at the age of 12 months and up. The toothpaste taste of strawberry and will even encourage little dental care sceptics to give it a try. Chicco’s dental care set also comes with a colourful case in which your little one can his/ her toothbrush and toothpaste – perfect for storing both items in a hygienic way, whether at home or on the go. The 3-piece dental care set by Chicco is available in three beautiful colours and is also a perfect gift idea.

Le petit chat

Voici Petit Chat. Il cherche un ami. Mais qui jouera avec lui ?

Le petit chien

Voici Toutou. Il court drôlement vite. Mais qui courra avec lui ?

Le petit lapin

Voici Lapinou. Il a trouvé un oeuf. Mais le ramènera-t-il à temps à maman poule ?

Le petit ours

Voici Ourson. Il a toujours faim. Mais où trouvera-t-il de quoi se régaler ?

Les animaux de la ferme : touche et devine !

Qui suis-je ? Touche et devine ! Les bébés animaux Dans ce joli livre tout-doux, votre bambin fera connaissance avec différents bébés animaux. Les devinettes en rimes stimuleront la curiosité du petit. Les belles photos et les matières à toucher l'inviteront à découvrir et à redécouvrir ce livre « touchant » !