Showing 49–60 of 64 results

Melissa & Doug Farm Animals Sound Puzzle


Each happy farm animal "sounds off" in its own voice when its animal puzzle piece is placed correctly in this eight-piece wooden peg puzzle. Your child will enjoy hearing all eight sounds and looking at the full-color, matching pictures under the pieces, while developing matching and listening skills with this captivating multi sensory puzzle.

Melissa & Doug Musical Instruments Sound Puzzle


Eight instruments are ready for their "conductor." Place an instrument piece correctly in the sturdy wooden puzzle board and listen to it play. Then remove each piece to discover the identity of each of the instruments! Light-activated sensors trigger high-quality recordings that sound crisp and clear as they play through the built-in speakers.

Play-Doh Party Pack

Unleash your creativity with this 10-pack of colorful and convenient-sized one-ounce cans of Play-Doh compound.

Play-Doh Shape & Learn Letters and Language


Inspire growing minds and discover the benefits of Play-Doh play with the Letters and Language playset!

Play-Doh Super Color Pack


This big pack of 20 cans of Play-Doh modeling compound holds an endless array of creative possibilities! Little hands can roll, twist and shape these colors into any form that strikes their fancies, then mash them up and start all over. Perfect for play dates and parties, the Super Color Pack is just the ticket for big Play-Doh fun!

Ravensburger Puzzle 6 Cubes – Vehicles

6 puzzles to be reconstituted using 6 cubes.Images not glued but printed directly on the plastic cubes so that the child can continue playing even after hours of manipulation.

Ravensburger The Secret Garden 1000 Pieces


There is a lot to discover in this secret garden! Are you coming along on this adventure? Ravensburger puzzle with 1000 pieces.

Simplay3 Cozy Cubby Reading Nook

The perfect space for kids to take a break and read a book! Encourage reading with this seat and bookshelf in one. Plenty of shelf storage for favorite reads, puzzles, play figures and more, and a built-in seat for reading time. Perfectly sized to fit at the end of a bed, and has openings for charge cords or night lights. One piece construction means no assembly for parents or grandparents! Durable construction will last for years, is easy to clean and great for home or school classrooms. Oversize Item! Kindly note that due to its volume and weight, the delivery charge for this product might increase. Contact us for delivery charges.

Simplay3 Play Around Storage Table


The Simplay3 Play Around Storage Table is a fully-assembled, multi-use play table, lap desk and toy box all rolled into one. Remove the table top for floor level play, or stack the top on the storage area for stand up snacks. It's a perfect size for toddlers and older siblings to play at while using chairs, standing, or at ground level. Clean-up is a breeze using the toy storage underneath. Durable, double-wall construction will last for years, and smooth surfaces are easy to wipe clean. Made and designed in the USA.

Simplay3 Play Around Table & Chair Set


The Play Around Table & Chair Set for children is the perfect addition to any home. Boys and girls can have lunch outdoors, or enjoy creative activities indoors like puzzle solving or arts and crafts. Durable one piece play table (no assembly required) has child friendly rounded edges and smooth surface for writing and drawing (also easy cleaning!). Two sturdy chairs with easy-carry feature and tip-resistant design are included.

Simplay3 Sand & Water Bench


The new Sand & Water Bench fits anywhere and features on-trend styling that complements patios or decks, with colors that blend with natural backyard landscapes. When opened, the bench converts to a multipurpose children's play center, combining sand and water fun and a super sturdy train and track table. When closed, the bench serves as a storage box for pool toys, blocks, balls, trains, or cars! Durable, double-wall resin construction provides years of maintenance-free enjoyment.

Top Bright Caterpillar Musical Lacing Beads


This caterpillar Bead could play in various ways including bead and build blocks. Number element added enable kids have fun Learning.