Showing 37–54 of 183 results

Educa Baby Opposites Puzzles


Classify each object or animal by colour and learn the different colours: red, blue, green, yellow, orange and purple. The BABY Educa COLLECTION stimulates children’s attention and develops their motor skills, curiosity and imagination. Designed for children 2 years old and up, with bigger, thicker and easier to handle pieces. Contents: 4 6-piece puzzles

Educa Baby Puzzles Pets


Puzzles for the youngest children. A collection designed for three age groups: 1, 2 and 3 years of age. 5 progressive puzzles from 2 to 5 pieces. The pieces are larger, thicker and easier to handle: They stimulate attention as well as developing the psychomotility, curiosity and imagination of the youngest children. New pictures with the children’s favourite characters and themes.

Educa Baby Puzzles School Bus


Puzzles for the youngest children. A collection designed for three age groups: 1, 2 and 3 years of age. 5 progressive puzzles from 2 to 5 pieces. The pieces are larger, thicker and easier to handle: They stimulate attention as well as developing the psychomotility, curiosity and imagination of the youngest children. New pictures with the children’s favourite characters and themes.

Educa Darth Vader 3D Sculpture Puzzle


Create your sculpture of Darth Vader by placing the 160 pieces of card on top of each other in the correct order on a plastic base with the help of the vertical guides. Once finished, the sculpture will become an authentic decorative item! Contents: 160 pieces, 1 plastic base with vertical guides, 1 sticker to personalise the base, 2 felt-tip pens.

Educa Dinosaurs Colouring Puzzle

Educa’s stress-relief colouring jigsaw puzzle. Put your jigsaw together and colour it in. Choose your favourite colours and personalise it. Size of the assembled puzzle: 48 x 34 cm.

Educa Jeu Koh Lanta


Revivez les émotions des mythiques épreuves de Koh Lanta. L’aventurier ou la tribu le/la plus rapide qui relevé tous les défis sans perdre la flamme de son flambeau sera sacré vainqueur.

Educa Le Jeu de Dames


Le grand classique des jeux de société dans une version colorée et sympathique! Découvrez ou redécouvrez le jeu de dames. Contient : 1 Plateau de jeu, 40 jetons, la règle du jeu.

Educa Le Lynx Seras Tu aussi Rapide?


Le passionnant jeu de compétition de toujours, avec 400 images. Il s’agit de retrouver le plus rapidement possible les images du jeu sur le plateau. Les réflexes et la mémoire visuelle seront les meilleurs atouts du vainqueur. CONTENU : 1 plateau de jeu, 400 images, 18 jetons de couleur, un pot r assembler, règles du jeu.

Educa Loto Pets

Collecting the items you need to take care of your favourite pet. This fi rst game for very young children is simple, combining a form of the traditional loto game with a theme which is dear to children: pets and how to take care of them. Contents: 4 animal boxes, 36 cards.

Educa Mon Premier Lynx


Le passionnant jeu de compétition Le Lynx dans une version adaptée pour les plus petits (2-4 ans). Chaque joueur doit essayer de repérer sur le plateau de jeu les images tirées au hasard. renforce la mémoire visuelle et les réflexes. Nouvelle dynamique additionnelle pour associer des paires. CONTENU : - 1 plateau de jeu - 36 cartes - 1 boîte r assembler - règles du jeu

Educa Monsters Memo

It’s time for the little monsters to have their snack. Why not help them feed themselves! This is a simple game for very young children, which combines a traditional memory game with a children favourite theme: Monsters!. Contents: 6 monster tokens, 30 bug tokens, 4 special tokens.

Fisher Price Jungle Animals Puzzle


Five chunky animal figures are easy for baby to grasp, hold, match up & fit into the picture puzzle base! 

Fisher-Price Baseball Set


Your little one can start practicing baseball enjoying some outside activity play and as a benefit, develop their hand eye coordination.

Hasbro Clue Grab & Go Game


There’s a mystery that needs solving, and you’re just the detective to do it on the go with this Grab & Go version of the classic Clue game! Who killed the host of the fancy party? Where were they, and what weapon did they use? The gameboard has rooms to move in and secret passages to navigate faster, and if you’re a super sleuth you can keep track of the clues in your Detective Notebook and solve the case! When the case is solved, you can store all the cards and parts in the all-in-one game unit – until the next murder!

Hasbro Connect 4 Game


Challenge a friend to disc-dropping fun with the classic game of Connect 4! Drop your red or yellow discs in the grid and be the first to get 4 in a row to win. If your opponent is getting too close to 4 in a row, block them with your own disc! Whoever wins can pull out the slider bar to release all the discs and start the fun all over again!

Hasbro Connect 4 Grab & Go Game


Connect 4 the win on the go with this compact version of the classic Connect 4 game! You and your opponent get 21 checkers apiece and the chance to get 4 in a row. But you both get the chance to block the others attempts to connect with your own checkers! When the game is done for the day, its easy to store the checkers in the columns and fold up the trays on the playing grid. You can have Connect 4 fun anywhere when you play with this Grab & Go game!

Hasbro Crocodile Dentist Game


Get ready to have loads of fun playing this Crocodile Dentist kids game. Gather friends and family for fun and frenzy as players pretend to be the ""crocodile dentist"" and check the teeth in the croc's mouth. But don't get ""chomped!"" The croc will let players know if someone pressed his sore tooth by playfully chomping down. Easily reset the game after each ""chomp"" by opening the croc's mouth again. Be the only player not to get chomped to win.