Showing 1057–1068 of 2034 results

Lift-the-flap Questions and Answers About Science


An interactive book with over 60 flaps revealing answers to all kinds of questions about science. Children can lift the flaps to discover 'How do bodies grow?', 'Why do astronauts float?', 'Where does lightning strike?' and lots more. Includes links to carefully selected websites with even more answers to simple science questions.

Lift-the-flap telling the time


As well as learning to read the time on the clock, children can lift the flaps to learn other concepts of time too, such as the difference between a fortnight and a decade, how many days are in a leap year and how to read a 24-hour clock. A great way for children to hone and develop time-telling and mathematic skills away from the classroom. Includes a clock to build, with pop out hands, to help answer the puzzles in a fast-paced time challenge.

Lift-the-Flap. Adding and Subtracting


Learn how to solve all kinds of adding and subtracting puzzles with this entertaining book, lifting over 150 flaps to reveal the answers along the way. Topics include number bonds, money puzzles, number lines and fact families. There's even a monster board game at the back of the book, where children can put their new knowledge into practice.

Light, Sound And Electricity


Remarkable photographs and the latest information about today's technological world can be found in this excellent book. An ideal revision tool, it also contains activities and Usborne-recommended Web sites designed to enhance learning. Includes a comprehensive index and glossary of useful terms.

Lire et construire : Livre avec cubes de construction


Ce livre accompagné de cubes apprendra à votre enfant à compter jusqu'à dix tout en le familiarisant avec les couleurs, les formes et les animaux. Les dix cubes permettent un apprentissage à la fois ludique et interactif et contribuent au développement des capacités motrices de votre petit.

Lisciani Baby Shark Backpack with Building Blocks 36 PCS


Play, build and learn with Made in Italy baby block. In the practical backpack pack there are plastic bricks; develop creativity and dexterity with the molded characters of Baby Shark, 4 skits to rebuild.

Lisciani Carotina 1000 Questions


Un jeu éducatif très complet permettant aux petits d'avoir les réponses aux 1000 questions qu'ils se posent, grâce à Carotina, la carotte sonore et lumineuse correctrice.

Lisciani Carotina 50 Jeux


Un kit riche pour jouer avec la carottine et apprendre tous les thèmes éducatifs de base. En combinant les matériaux, 50 jeux amusants et éducatifs peuvent être joués. Votre enfant aura également la possibilité de continuer à jouer en téléchargeant les 20 apps de Carotina.

Lisciani Carotina ABC Little House


The ABC houses teach you the letters of the alphabet! A different animal lives in every house. You just have to match the doors with the correct first letter! In addition, all of the houses can be matched with different colourful roofs, creating a new scene every time!