Beginners Cookbook
Children's Books, 4 - 8 Years, 9 - 11 Years, Toys, Books & School, Books, English Books, Cooking Books
This is a new edition of the hugely popular "Beginners Cookbook", which introduces children (and kitchen-shy adults!) to the basic techniques of cooking through a selection of mouth-watering recipes. Recipes include ideas for pizza and pasta dishes, vegetarian dishes and delicious cakes and cookies, giving novice cooks something to create for every occasion. Each recipe is shown through easy, step-by-step instructions. Concealed spiral binding makes the book practical to use in the kitchen.
Children’S Baking Collection
Children’s Book Of Baking (Usborne Cookbooks)
Packed with recipes for delicious goodies, including rich chocolate cake, strawberry tarts, crispy apple pies and tropical fruit cake, this title will give little cooks plenty of inspiration in the kitchen. Alongside recipes, basic baking techniques and skills such as making pastry are explained, as well as ideas for how to decorate your creations. Recipes are accompanied by illustrated step-by-step instructions to ensure perfect results. Beautiful colour photographs show the mouth-watering end results.
Children’s Cookbook
Children's Books, 12 Years +, 9 - 11 Years, Toys, Books & School, Books, English Books, Cooking Books
This is a new spiral-bound edition of the cookbook for older children or anyone seeking simple, mouth-watering recipes. The tasty recipes are accompanied by illustrated step-by-step instructions to ensure young chefs achieve perfect results every time, and are divided into categories based on the core ingredients of cookery such as eggs, rice, potatoes, herbs, spices and bread.Appealing to both children and adults, the straightforward recipes include, salmon fishcakes, ratatouille with butterbean mash, lamb kebabs, raspberry ice-cream, and strawberry shortcake. A useful 'safety in the kitchen' guide explains things that experienced cooks may take for granted but are not so obvious to beginners.
Cuisine Actuelle du Liban – Plus de 60 recettes faciles à réaliser
Le Liban, dans sa grande diversité, offre aux palais amateurs de bonne chère des plats savoureux et délicats qui, contrairement aux idées reçues, peuvent être simples à réaliser dès lors que l'on dispose des connaissances et du savoir-faire indispensables. A travers un large choix de recettes, composé entre autres de grands classiques (hoummos, caviar d'aubergines, taboulé, falafel, kibbé...), l'auteur de cet ouvrage nous accompagne pas à pas pour réaliser le meilleur de la cuisine libanaise. Présentation des aliments spécifiques à la préparation des plats et à la composition des fameux mezzés (labné, cornes grecques, tahina, pistaches...), trucs et astuces, recettes étape par étape... Dans ce beau livre riche en photos, la cuisine libanaise se met enfin à la portée de tous ! Et pour qu'au plaisir de la bouche se joignent ceux de l'esprit et de la vue, des proverbes, des textes et des photos viennent agrémenter çà et là les recettes.
Start To Cook. Abigail Wheatley
This is a comprehensive book covering all the basics of cooking, perfect for children or beginner cooks of any age. It is fully illustrated with colour photographs, and clear step-by-step diagrams show what to do at each stage of a recipe. Dishes included range from simple sandwiches, salads, soups, stews and desserts through to straightforward classics such as roast chicken, homemade bread, sponge cake, chocolate chip cookies and even profiteroles. Each recipe is marked clearly with allergy advice, and variations on recipes are also included to cater for different food preferences and tastes. Each recipe also comes with a difficulty rating, indicating clearly which are very easy and which require a bit of extra time or effort.