Showing 157–168 of 248 results

Nebulous Stars Dream Catchers


Make 2 owl-shaped dream catchers. The glow in their eyes will catch any nightmares while you are asleep. 

Nebulous Stars Galaxy Wish Jars


How can you make your wishes come true? Send your wishes directly to the universe by creating a galaxy in wish jars! Write your secret wishes underneath the jars' caps after creating your own galaxy. Finally decorate the jars with cool decorations.

Nebulous Stars Glitter & Foil Art


The nebulous stars glitter & foil art helps youngsters create with a simple and easy method. Just peel off the pre-cut canvas to customize your masterpieces with foil, glitter and gems.

Nebulous Stars In a Jar Counter Display 6 Pieces


The classic mason jar turned into a cute novelty gift set. With its artisanal-style look, this colourful assortment makes the perfect gift for any occasion.

Nebulous Stars Magic Watercolour Petulia


Magically paint 5 beautiful canvases. The glow-in-the-dark pre-varnished line art helps the watercolor stay in the right areas. Your masterpiece will shine in the dark!

Nebulous Stars Night Light Jars


Kids will love these Night Light Jars! This arts and crafts for kids is so easy, it’s the best DIY activity for birthday parties, family activities, rainy days or any other day! The flameless candles are safe for children. These kids lanterns make for a cozy nightlight that will bring a starry light to your dreams! Girls will love to make this lantern craft kit full of glitters! They will fit perfectly in any girl room decor!

Nebulous Stars Scratch & Sketch


Discover a Starry colorful galaxy underneath each of these 5 scratch art boards. Comes with stencil and scratching tools. 

Nebulous Stars Window Charms


Create 3 magical window charms. Paint the cut pieces, add rhinestones to decorate then attach to a suction cup with cord and beads.