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Lift-the-Flap Fractions and Decimals


Learning fractions and decimals is essential and requires plenty of practice, children will love the interactive approach of this book, which has lots of flaps to lift to find out the answers to a range of mathematic questions.This book makes understanding the principles of fractions and decimals easy with clear, descriptive pictures including a fraction wall, a conversion chart and a percentage box.Lift-the-Flap Times Tables' book is also available in this series. A valuable resource book which helps children to visualise how fractions, decimals and percentages work. This a great way for children to tackle the subject in their own time, at their own pace.

Lift-The-Flap Questions And Answers About Dinosaurs


If you know a child who is obsessed with dinosaurs and constantly asking about these amazing prehistoric creatures, this engaging, interactive flap book will answer lots of their questions. With entertaining and informative illustrations and over 50 flaps to lift and look beneath.